Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why I started blogging?


For today's post I got the inspiration from the IFB project #87, in which I will be telling you why I started this blog and what I hope to achieve!

I have just started this blog. It has only been a month and even though I don't always post on daily basis (school gets in the way a lot), I am LOVING it! :)

The reason why I started the blog was simply because I wanted something to be my hobby, something that wouldn't be stressing and would take my mind out of school related things, something for me to just relax. And the fact that I have been following so many blogs made me want to be part of the community and sharing my likes and dislikes.
I also thought that blogging would help me to get better with writing, since I want to be a fashion journalist!

In the future...

I hope to get more followers, more feedback from them so that I will learn to do better. I also hope to thank them, if the big ammount of followers increase (I've always wanted to do giveaways! :ps). 
I also hope to go to an orphanage and do blog post all about it. I've been really wanting to stay there for a day and play with the kids. :)
Another thing that I want is obviously to be able to go Fashion Week, but that might be a little too out of my league.

What do you hope for the future? Make sure to tell me in the comments, I would love to know! And also, tell me what kind of posts should I do? I would really enjoy some feedback! :)



  1. Adorei a forma como começou a blogar eu também para começar a ser um hobbie, neste momento está tornar-se uma obsessão pela moda, minha paixão não a única mas uma delas.
    Visite o meu blog seja minha seguidora e eu sua a interacção entre blogueiros é um privilegio.
    Alexandra Melo

    1. Muito obrigada! :) Estou te seguindo via bloglovin! Adorei as dicas de decoração no seu blog, muito interessantes!


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